12/17&18/98 - Los Angeles, Ca. The Roxy... Well, here we
are... The last shows of 1998.... I think it's been about 107 shows... What a
year.... I guess this is where it should end, for this is where it really
began... I guess what I'm trying to say is that these LA shows not only close
the tour, but close a chapter on this band.... Many of you may or may not
know how hard it was to do this run. In fact, there was talk that it might never
happen.... How could you replace someone so dear? I know, there was such a
void in my heart.... I want to thank all involved: family, friends, fans, etc.
for being so understanding; so supportive, and for accepting all the decisions
made... Thanks for giving us the strength to do this... the kind words, etc.....
I miss my friend..... He loved to do this... He loved to get up on stage every
night and play.. He loved the lifestyle, but most of all, he loved knowing how
much joy he brought others.... Some of you may have never met him, but if you
watch the show, you can feel his presence every night...... To all my
friends................. Have a Happy Holidays, and I'll see you in 1999..
God Bless...
Jeff Colen with Alan White from Yes @ NAMM 1/31/99 (one of my influences)
Taking a break in Tyler, Tx. 7/24/99
7/29/99 - I do apologize for the large gap between posts. Not much
has happened.. The Tyler, Tx. show was great... Pantera showed up.... The
Pratt, Ks. headlining show was a blast... Slaughter played for 2 hours... Quite
a list of songs including: "Free For All" and "Cat Scratch Fever" by Nugent, and
a few other covers...
8/22/99 - St. Louis, Mo... Riverport Ampitheater... Wow... 18,500 people attended this concert.. Great afternoon of Rock N' Roll.. By far, the largest crowd we played in front of on this tour... Topped off by an extra long meet and greet... It shows what can happen when a radio station really advertises...
Paris Las Vegas.. What more can you say! 9/7/99
9/18/99 - I came back from the west coast with a virus... about
103 fever... just coming around now... The shows out west were great..
Especially enjoyed Kelseyville, Ca. Konocti Ampitheater.. A beautiful resort 3
hours north of San Francisco.... right on a lake.. water skiing, jet
skiing, etc. and a great show that evening.
10/28/99 - Nothing like installing a new hard drive and having to reload programs and data... So after about 4 days of glitches, with the help of tech support, I'm back online...
1/24/2000 - Well now.. A lot has gone by.. We're in the 21st century, and approaching a new millennium... a chance to look ahead and get into the fast lane.. The world is changing.. So much new technology.... Here we are, somehow blindly navigating in this new world of bits and bytes..
2/17/2000 - Looks like the summer tour is coming together... Look for Slaughter on tour with Poison, Cinderella, & Dokken starting June 13th.
Ordinary Click here to listen to 40 seconds of a song that I played drums on.. The song is called Ordinary, by the band "Silverboy."3/14/2000 - Moved on to Los Angeles... Spent some time on the set of "Metal God", the new Warner Bros. film project featuring, Mark Wahlberg, Jennifer Aniston, and of course.. Blas Elias... :-) Looks like this should be a pretty funny picture. Thanks to the great crew for making me feel at home...
9/13/2000 - So by now you've realized that I didn't uphold my responsibility to update the site... I do apologize for the lack of info and additions... Below you'll find some memorable photos that I took on the Poison Tour... Most shows were exactly the same, as Slaughter went on at 6:00 pm and got to play for about 33 minutes. The last night of the Poison Tour was in Orlando, Fl. 9/3 at Hard Rock Live. This tour was great: the bands got a long well, and really sounded at their best.
PLEASE VISIT A NEW PAGE WHICH IS DEVOTED TO PICTURES FROM MY TRIP TO THE ORIENT.. Click on the link. Photos From the Orient (low resolution)
The Youth Gone Wild - Gering, Ne. 8/19/2000
Blas lays down a groove in Davenport, Ia. 8/20/2000
Slaughter with Dick Greggory: owner of Montgomery Ribs in Cincinnati
11/11/2000 - Just got back from Honolulu where we played 3 great shows.. We used the coach below for 3 west coast shows.. It was living in Paradise.. It's a 2000 Van Hool, with a V-12 engine.. It has all the comforts you could imagine including video in each bunk.. DVD... As far as the Hawaii shows.. Had a great time, and I always enjoy snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. Got to swim with a giant turtle. If you've never been there, it offers some of the best snorkeling in the world.
We used this bus on the west coast. It's a 2000 Van Hool.. Awesome
The beautiful waters of Hanauma Bay.. Snorkeling at it's best.
PLEASE VISIT A NEW PAGE WHICH IS DEVOTED TO PICTURES FROM MY TRIP TO EUROPE.. Click on the link.. Photos From Europe (med. resolution - will take a while to load.)
My new car.. I was having trouble parking in NYC, now my problems are solved. (just kidding)
11/29/01 - Went to see Aerosmith at the National Car Rental center in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Awesome show... Unbelievable seats... Ran in to David Wells from the New York Yankees.
2/16 - 2/26/02 - Went to the beautiful island of Maui. If you want: deserted beaches, hidden waterfalls, pristine rain forests, spectacular coastal lines, and natural lava pools, this is the place to go. Great snorkeling in Ka'anapali and Kapalua. PLEASE VIST THE MAUI PAGE TO VIEW SOME PHOTOS. Click on the link. Photos from Maui.
Jeff at The Gorge in Gorge, Wa. August 2003
Jeff with Jack Johnson, at Red Rocks. Denver, Co. 8/28/2003.
6/2003 - 12/2003 - I have had the pleasure of working with Ben Harper. We had a successful summer tour with Jack Johnson as the opening act. I just returned from 2 months in Europe with Ben. Click on the link to view photos from the 2003 European Tour. Photos from Ben Harper European Tour 2003.
5/2004 - 7/2004 - Back to Europe with Ben Harper for Summer Festival (and headline) dates. Without a doubt the highlight was getting to meet Paul McCartney in Glastonbury, UK. We opened for Paul, and he couldn't have been any nicer. The photo below is of Oliver Charles (Ben's drummer) and of course, Sir Paul. For more photos from BHIC Europe 2004, please click on the this link. Photos from Ben Harper European Summer Tour 2004.
Paul McCartney and Oliver Charles (Ben Harper's drummer) backstage at the Glastonbury Festival, June 2004
Jeff with Abe Laboriel Jr. (Paul McCartney's drummer) on stage in Glastonbury, UK. June 2004
Current Favorite Band: Doubledrive (both CD's rule).. (you guys had to break up?) :-(